My baking is about to change – I’m allergic to everything

I haven’t posted in a very long time. I’ve been working and haven’t had time to fully bake/create in the kitchen. However I do have two recipes of pictures all on my camera waiting to be posted. I’ll be posting those and that will be the last you see of those kinds of recipes.

I’ve always (since I was little) had stomach issues so finally after 19 years I took a food allergy test. This test takes about 2-3 villas of blood and the results take about 2-3 weeks. So I did it. I went to the doctors yesterday for my results and it turns out I’m basically allergic to everything except vegetables and meat.

I can’t have any dairy, eggs, almonds, peanuts, grains, all beans, blueberries, gluten… The list goes on.
Here is a picture of my results. The red zone is highly allergic.


Now the only thoughts I have is that my baking is about to get even more creative. I have to figure out the chemistry of baking and how to create a recipe without any of the essential ingredients. It’s a challenge but its also an exciting challenge. I like to test my baking skills and now I’m forced to.

Currently there is nothing (literally nothing) in my house I can eat. I had some pork and watermelon this morning. Mmmm great breakfast…

The lining of my stomach is really damaged, so it’s going to take awhile to heal it. But I’m excited to finally get this resolved and to do some insane research and test baking in my kitchen.

So once again get ready for, terrible mess ups or something incredible and delicious.

Note: the next two recipes I will be posting will be from my previous baking before I had to eliminate all these foods.

Happy Fourth of July!

2 thoughts on “My baking is about to change – I’m allergic to everything

  1. Emma, Just came across your blog! Love your recipes! Very interested in your allergy testing. What kind of doctor did you go to for this testing? ENT or gastro-enterologist? What lab did the testing? Was testing covered by your health insurance?
    I love your raw vegan energy bars! I will be trying them when I pick up some items I need like dates and goji berries. Would you also post where you buy your food? I am on a gluten, soy and corn free diet and find it difficult to find raw foods!
    Thanks. Joan

    • Hi Joan! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. I see a naturopathic doctor and I took a blood test from a company called US BioTek Laboratories, they are based out of Seattle, WA. It was called FoodStats Antibody Assessment. It’s a great test for all the information you get.

      I don’t have health insurance, so not sure if its covered. However I did see a spot for health insurance information. Doesn’t hurt to check! 🙂

      I mainly shop at our local health food store, here in Oregon. It’s called New Seasons. I will also go to Whole Foods every now and then. But here in Portland there are a lot of small organic health food stores that I’ll check out every once in awhile. It can be difficult finding raw foods, there are some great online organic stores you can order from. I’ve come across some great ones in the past. I don’t have any off the top of my head, but just googling organic online stores will most likely bring something up!

      Hope this helps! If you have anymore questions, let me know! 🙂

      – Emma

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